23. - 29. listopadu 2020

21 let anglického divadla v Praze 

Zvládli jsme to! 

Nejnovější zprávy

Thank you - Back on track! Long live the Fringe.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, each and every one of you for making the 22nd Prague Fringe such an overwhelming success.

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Prague British International School - 15 years

Prague British International School (PBIS) is proud to have sponsored the Fringe festival for now 15 years.

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Prague City University - 15 years

A special thanks to Prague City University, our partner of 15 years. As fledgling organisations in the early 2000’s, both Prague Fringe Festival and Prague City University...

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Zahájili jsme předprodej

Máme pro vás skvělou zprávu! Vstupenky na 22. ročník Prague Fringe jsou už v prodeji!

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Fringe Ticket Prices to Soar in 2023

But don't worry... only for dentists. After a recent visit to the dentist, Fringe Director Steve Gove had a genius idea how to raise ticket prices at the upcoming Prague Fringe

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Monthly Newsletter 5 - March 2023

Tickets on Sale Soon, 15% Discount Accommodation Offer, Volunteer Opportunities, Good Luck Nelson Fringe

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Všechny zprávy

Edinburgh nad Vltavou. 21 let anglického divadla v Praze